Monday, 12 December 2011

Ways to Keep Breast Cancer !

Breast cancer is one of the biggest silent killers of women – claiming over 2,000 lives per year in Australia alone.

Cancer research has linked breast cancer risks to women who are overweight, have poor diet, unhealthy lifestyles or a family history of the disease. However, there are a number of preventative steps we can take to alleviate the risk of breast cancer starting in the first place. Here are a few measures you can take::

1. The power of sleep

When we sleep our bodies produce a hormone called melatonin, which has shown to be effective at preventing and treating breast cancer. To increase your melatonin production, make sure your room is as dark as possible and aim to get at least eight hours of sleep each night.

2. Fiber is your friend

Increasing your fiber helps to flush out estrogen and toxins from your body, lowering your risk of breast cancer. Fiber is found in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

3. Eat more fruits and vegetables (focusing on leafy greens)

The World Health Organization has linked low fruit and vegetable intake with the onset of cancer. Consuming 6-8 servings of fruits and veggies every day can help decrease your cancer risk.

Vegetables such as broccoli, brussel sprouts, kale, bok choy, watercress, cabbage, and cauliflower contain a phytochemical called Indole-3-carbinol which increases the breakdown of estrogen. In order to gain the most benefits, eat these vegetables are raw or lightly steamed.

4. Eliminate processed foods

Junk foods contain many additives and preservatives that can be toxic to the body. When making food choices stay away from prepared foods with long ingredient lists and eat as much fresh produce and whole grains as possible.
5. Decrease your drinking

Alcohol plays a significant role in the development of breast cancer. Be sure to avoid drinking daily and limit binge drinking.

6. Get your body moving

Being overweight or obese is a strong contributor to breast cancer risk. Exercising four hours weekly is highly protective against breast cancer.

7. Control blood sugar

High blood sugar increases insulin levels which can increase breast cancer risk. Limiting refined sugars and flours can help curb your insulin levels.

8. Manage stress

Stress increases cortisol, which causes hormonal imbalances and decreases immunity. This makes women more susceptible to breast cancer. Women must increase stress-coping behaviours such as breathing exercises, meditation, and counseling.

9. Know your breasts

The key to successful cancer treatment is early detection. Monthly self breast exams are able to reduce breast cancer death by 20-30 per cent. Self-exams are best performed at the same time each month. For menstruating women, 2-3 days after your period begins is best. Breast exams should include both a visual and a physical exam for best results.

10. Visit your doctor for regular lab work

Checking hormone levels, vitamin D and Iodine status should be regularly assessed. Talk to your doctor or naturopath about getting these tests done.

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